💡 Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights


Thanks for the info :+1:

To disable the automation for more than a single instance, it’s best to use the bypass option. Here’s why:

Disabling the automation outright and then re-enabling it will result in no action being taken. When using the bypass option it allows you to control the automation with one of three bypass settings. When the bypass is turned ON, it forces the automation to follow one of these options. When the bypass is turned OFF, the automation reassesses all site conditions and responds accordingly.

There is a lot of logic in the bypass and so many different scenarios, it can be very powerful.

Blacky :smiley:


Welcome to the community.

I am not fully understanding what you are trying to do.

This blueprint can handle motion lights, ambient lights on sun, deactivate lights at night so it is all probably there already just need to set it up correctly. Maybe explain it better and maybe provide your automation YAML so I can see your settings.

Blacky :smiley:

Just now getting back to this. From my reading of your configuration I don’t believe this is possible.

For the Inovelli switch the button is firing events such as double_up, triple_up, double_config etc. I want to be able to say press config twice and have it by pass your automation from turning the lights off. I think to do this the only way would be if I created a dummy switch and I had a automation that sets that dummy switch to on/off when double_config is pressed.

This would mean I would have to create a dummy switch per real switch I have. Or am I missing something else?

Fantastic work on this blueprint Blacky, and all the other ones you have! They really make automations so easy for people like me who are new to HA.

I do have a quick question about how one would use the Device Tracker setting. If I don’t want my automation to be triggered when no one is home, do I just set Device Tracker section to Enable Zone and select the Home zone?


Yes, we need a state of ON or OFF so that would work and then use option 2 in the bypass.

Blacky :smiley:


Thanks for your kind words.

Yes, you can do this, but it depends on your Home Assistant setup. First, ensure your devices are tracked within your designated zone. This means that when you’re home, the status reads “home,” and when you’re away, it reads “away.”

If you have devices that only toggle between “home” and “away,” you can use the “Enable the zone option” and set your desired zone. However, if you have additional devices like iPads or dog trackers that also report as home, it could interfere with your automation.

For example, if you have dog trackers that always report as home, your automation might mistakenly keep the lights on because it detects the dog trackers are home. To address this, you can use the “Enable the zone + people options.” This way, you can specify the zone and the individuals whose presence you want to monitor in the zone.

With this setup, the automation will only consider the people you add to “Device Tracker - People.” When these specified people are not home, your lights will be disabled.

Then you can create another automation to track your dogs’ movements and notify you if they leave the zone.

That is why we have the option for “Device Tracker - People”.

Hope this make sense.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

New update 7.0

Your lighting experience, your way – take control and customize it to perfection! :bulb::sparkles:

Hi all,

A lot of work has gone into this update, and we’ve finally added RGB to light control! :partying_face: While it’s not a breaking change, some adjustments are needed to ensure your automations functions as intended (see below). A big thank you to everyone who has supported me in the past! If you haven’t yet supported my work, I hope you’ll consider doing so Click Here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray: I have more updates planned, so stay tuned.

Let us know what you think.


Blacky :smiley:

:warning: If you’re using “Colour Temperature” in light control, please read the information below before updating the blueprint. While this is not a breaking change, maintaining clean code will ensure the smooth operation of this blueprint.


  • New Input Option :new:

    • Light Colour: You now have the option to select RGB, RGBW or RGBWW in your light control option.
  • Bugs Fixed :bug:

    • Fixed bugs when using dynamic lighting and transition from normal lights to night lights and vice versa.

:warning: :stethoscope: STEPS REQUIRED WHEN UPGRADING :white_check_mark:

If you’re using “Colour Temperature” in light control, please read the information below before updating the blueprint. If you are not using “Colour Temperature” in light control, then there is no need to read any further and you can update without doing anything.

Before Updating Steps

If you’re reading this and haven’t updated yet, follow these simple steps to ensure the smooth operation of this blueprint:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Automation > Filters (top right) > Blueprints and select this sensor light blueprint. You will see a list of automations that use this blueprint.
  2. For each automation, deselect “Colour Temperature” for both normal lights and night lights. Record which automations had “Colour Temperature” deselected and whether it was for normal lights, night lights, or both.
  3. Update the blueprint.
  4. Repeat step 1, then reselect “Colour Temperature” for normal lights and night lights in each automation where you previously deselected it.
  5. Once all automations are updated, you’re done!

If You Have Already Updated Steps

If you have already pushed the update button, don’t stress—just follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Automation > Filters (top right) > Blueprints and select this sensor light blueprint. You will see a list of automations that use this blueprint.

  2. For each automation, click the three dots in the top right and select “Edit in YAML”. Look for the following lines of code, which indicate if you selected to use “Colour Temperature”:

    • Under "include_light_control:", look for "- use_colour_temperature".
    • Under "include_night_light_control:", look for "- use_colour_temperature".

  3. If these lines are present, record where you have selected to ‘Use Colour Temperature’. Delete these lines of code as shown below, then click save.

  4. Next, select the three dots again and choose “Edit in visual editor”. Reselect “Colour Temperature” for normal lights and night lights in each automation where you previously deleted the code, then click save.

  5. Repeat the above steps for each automation until all are updated. You’re all done!

If you like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button in the top post :+1:

If you like my blueprints, and would like to show your support or just say thank you? Click Here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Blacky :grinning:

Back to FAQ: Click Here


Hi, thank you for your outstanding work!
I’ve got a question regarding bypasses. Is it possible that after disabling a bypass, options like “Ambient” are evaluated? Currently, I believe that is not the case. I have a simple on off light connected with this blueprint with the ambient option turned on (so it only is on if the lux value is below a certain value). I have a switch that, if on, enables bypass ON for the light. When I turn the switch off (turn off bypass) the light remains on until no presence is detected even if the lux value is above the threshold.
Any Ideas regarding this?

On a different note, it would be beneficial if one can select like an “invert” option for the bypass inputs, so one does not need to create a helper entity that inverts a binary sensor (example bypass if door closed → contact is off).

Lastly, can we choose light settings light brightness if Bypass - Turn lights ON is enabled? Or is it than checking the dynamic or ambient options (would be best if not)?

Best regards

That makes sense! Thank you for the clarification and quick reply Blacky! Excited to try out the new update.

One other thing - I also have an ikea remote to toggle the same lights that are triggered by the motion sensor. I assume if I manually turn the lights on with this remote, it won’t auto off after the pre-determined time from this blueprint. Is a solution to use your “manual light control with auto off” blueprint?

Edit: should have tested before asking, this worked well! I have the lights turn on by motion sensor automation in the evening and during day time if it’s turned on with the manual switch the manual automation will/should take care of it :smiley:

Fantastic update. Your instructions for existing automations was dead on. Now 3 night light sections?? Confused me initially.

For everyone who wants to see this development continue, please make a donation. Blacky spends huge time on this. If you sort by comments under the Blueprints section, you will see that Sensor Light is number one on the list. That’s because Blacky provides amazing support.

Donate to keep this project #1

Hi All,

So, Im looking to use this to track the suns position to increase the brightness of my living room lights as the sunsets. And possibly turn on the bedroom to a low level after a certain time (tbc)

I have it all installed, and set up but it turns on the selected lights for 1 second before turning them off. Does anyone have a set up guide / video to show me where im going wrong?

Home assistant is still very new to me.


Thanks, I have verified that it works. I have another switch that I could key off of, but it’s an inverse of what you need for the bypass on/off vs off/on.

I could manually create a helper using a template for each of these, but if you had a flag that could be flipped for the bypass to bypass on an off instead of an on it would prevent me from having to create a helper per switch. I understand this may be a niche use-case and something you don’t want to add just let me know.

To be specific I use Adaptive Lighting plugin to control my lights and use your blueprint for the motion sensing. I would like to be able to use adaptive lighting enabled to be my bypass. So when it’s off I would like to bypass hence the negation I would need.


Thanks for your kind words :+1:

I have tested it here and it seems to be working. The one thing I think it could be without seeing your YAML is you have selected “YES - My Ambient Light Sensor is affected by the Lights”. Because of this it just thinks because your light is ON it is effecting the LUX sensor.

Could you confirm this is the case and if your are still having problems could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

A few people have asked for this so I will put your name next to the request. For now we will need to create a template sensor to invert your door sensor. I am always open to change.

When your bypass is turned ON and it turns ON the lights it will apply the setting you have in the light control. Depending on the time you turn it ON and if you are using night lights it will apply ether normal lights or night lights settings.

Blacky :smiley:


No problem. I am excited to bring you this new feature. Hope you like it. I am finding I am getting a nicer white light when using RGBW and just using the white channel. I mean no one else in the family has noticed but I like it :rofl:

Nice one.

Blacky :smiley:


You would set up dynamic lighting option 5.

The you would use night lights and the time condition, then set up your lights in night lights as required.

Next to a lot of inputs you have a link that can help guide you. I would say that a time delay is ‘0’ or if you are using dynamic lighting you have set your “Dynamic Lighting - Min Brightness Value” to ‘0’.

Have a look at the FAQ and ‘The Settings & Best Practice Guidelines’. The links are in the blueprint at the top. If you still need more help then could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

Also just give me what is happening and what you are trying to do so I can help.

Black :smiley:


Nice one.

I never say never and love hearing any suggestions as this promotes development. A few people have asked for this so I will also add your name next to the feature request. For now we will need to create a template binary sensor helper that will invert it.

To create a Template binary sensor, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Device & Services > Helpers tab at the top.
  2. Click the Create helper button.
  3. Select Template and then choose Template a binary sensor.

Next, provide a Name and Device class of your choice. If applicable, you can link this template to an existing device so it appears under that device’s details.

In the State template field, add the code below, replacing binary_sensor.your_sensor_here with your entity ID.

{{ is_state('binary_sensor.your_sensor_here', 'off') }}

Have you looked at ‘Dynamic Lighting’ in the blueprint?

Blacky :smiley:


Thanks Harry, hope you like the new update. Yea I forgot to say that in the update notes. We had to do this as it was getting a lot of information just in one clapable section but tryed to follow the same format we have for normal lights.

Thank you once again, Harry, for your ongoing support through your donations. Community support for my work has been minimal and barely covers two days of my time. Nonetheless, I am extremely grateful for any support the community provides. If my blueprints and support help you, please consider donating; it would greatly assist me in continuing to provide updates and community support.

Blacky :smiley:

Could anyone please help me understand what I am doing wrong here? I cannot get the blueprint to trigger a light based on a motion sensor. I am able to use another blueprint with the same entities and the motion sensor triggers the light without an issue.
Here is a screenshot of my automation. Any assistance is much appreciated

Yeah, you need to expand the light Device you’ve entered and choose the Entity. The lights to turn on/off have to be entities. The BP only allows you to enter Areas & Devices as a quick way to get to the Entities.


Hi @Blacky - I’m guessing the ability to use the physical load switch as a bypass wasn’t in your 7.0 release as I couldn’t see it in the notes - unless I’m losing the plot!

I’m happy to test a pre-release of this in my environment if that helps?