Sensor meteo_france

I try to use the sensor meteo_france, I bring in the following code in configuration.yaml

  - platform: meteo_france
    postal_code: '76000'
      - temperature
      - weather
      - wind_speed
      - uv
      - next_rain
      - freeze_chance
      - rain_chance
      - snow_chance
      - thunder_chance

When I check the configuration I have the following message
Failed config
General Errors:
- Platform not found: sensor.meteo_france
Do you have an idea

What version of Home Assistant are you running? I am on 0.82.1 and it is working fine for me using the following

The only reason there is no Sensor: is I use a !include for all my sensors in seperate files

  - platform: meteo_france
    postal_code: '45000'
      - temperature
      - weather
      - wind_speed
      - uv
      - next_rain
      - freeze_chance
      - rain_chance
      - snow_chance
      - thunder_chance

I use the version 0.60.1 which I have upgrade and normally I have the version 0.82.1. I am going to make the test with a new version

After update in 0.82.1 that works very well. Thank you :grinning:

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I’ve a lot of error linked to this integration since today. Am I alone ?

@oncleben31 you are not alone, I’ve also got error since a few days… probably something change in meteo-france site.

Hi me too… the input disappeared from entities…

Do you have the same thing ?

Root cause founded. PR merged in dev branch. Should be available in next release. Thanks to @victorcerutti

Ok, thank you for your work !!

The next release means in 2 weeks, in 0.95 ?

I think it’s a 3 weeks cycle now.

Since the version 113.0, the integration is no more working. I deleted the integration and tried to reinstall it but it’s impossible.