Sensor min_max errors on startup because of template sensors it uses

have had this issue but no-one in the Core team responds, so please help me out?

using several template sensors (because I need to calibrate their temperature values) like this:

        value_template: >
          {{(states('sensor.dining_table_sensor_temperature')|float +

throws the reported error in the logs configured the sensor as follows:

  - platform: min_max
    name: Mean indoor temp
    type: mean
      - sensor.temperatuur_living
      - sensor.dining_table_sensor_calibrated_temperature
      - sensor.auditorium_sensor_calibrated_temperature
      - sensor.frontdoor_sensor_calibrated_temperature
      - sensor.library_sensor_calibrated_temperature
      - sensor.dorm_sensor_calibrated_temperature
      - etc etc

Now Ive tried to give the template sensors a |default value, but even then the min_max sensor reports the errors on

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'state'

Please note that although we’re on HA 2021.4 now, this has nothing to do with the new template tracing in HA, it has been there for a very long time now.

does anyone see a ‘hack’ to this issue, as long as the big doesnt get squashed in core?

thanks for having a look