(Jim B)
November 25, 2021, 2:49am
I had a dallas sensor on one of my esphome devices. It used to show up fine on the HA controlled dash board. I had some issues with the climate thing so I deleted the device.
I restarted HA and the esp device several times but the dallas sensor doesn’t show up on the dashboard.
These are what show up
Here is the yaml
How do I get the dallas sensor to show back up?
The sensor is there in the log
And this is through MQTT
November 25, 2021, 3:07am
You are not the first person to mention esphome temperature sensors not showing up today. See:
I have flashed my esp 8266 and have a dht11 connected
everything is working on the board with wifi
when i check the yaml file it shows temperature every 10 seconds
but it is not showing up in my dashboard?
see attached images
you can see its logging temp and humidity but i cannot see the temperature in my dashboard or add it
I have no entity for the sensor?
[esphome output]
Maybe I have missed a step?
its definitely connected, i uploaded initially by connecting esp to my tinker board
Though that is using the API not MQTT.
(Jim B)
November 25, 2021, 1:46pm
Yeah… I think their situation is different.
I can’t just get the dallas sensor to show up.
The other stuff came back fine.