Sensor of Temperature Feels Like

Ah, I had no idea it was that simple! I must have had something out of place then. I just gave up and added them individually to the sensor but Thank you

Or you can write same config without groups:

# Example of configuration.yaml
  - platform: temperature_feels_like
    source: sensor.temperature,sensor.humidity

It’s more simple.

can i use this to figure out if i need a thick jacket or just a t-shirt outside?

problem is that at start and end of summer its hard to tell how it would feel

and it matters if you are in the shade or out in the sun, also humidity and wind will have a say

  - platform: temperature_feels_like
    name: 'Outside Feels Like Temperature'
      - sensor.outside_temperature
      - sensor.outside_humidity

i guess i need to add wind speed to the config for it to work

Yes, you can. Why not?..

there are just different opinions so hard to judge

some say you cant and some even say that it does not matter, but yeah for me at least there is a difference, no wind and just a little sun is different than storm like wind and no sun

also it makes a difference if you are in the shade or not

but yeah its for sure a spring project, for now i just need my thick jacket as there is no wun and almost storm like conditions and rain for the most part

Hi! New to this custom component.
Super handful, but I have a strange situation (at least from my understanding). Look at my log:

2022-07-11 16:53:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.temperature_feels_like.sensor] Temp: 26.0 °C Hum: 32.5 % Wind: 0.0 m/s

2022-07-11 16:53:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.temperature_feels_like.sensor] New sensor state is 25.5 °C

The temperature in the house is 26C and it feels like 25.5 ? Is it normal that it returns a lower value than the actual temperature ? There is no windchill in the house (more important, I didn’t put a wind sensor in the “feels_like” sensor) :slight_smile:

I used to work in a weather TV station (Météomédia, but only as a web developer) and when the value was lower than actual temperature we returned the actual temperature. Likewise with the windchill values.

Maybe it’s a little bit “philosophical”, but I think it can be important. Maybe I’m completely wrong too! :slight_smile:

Stealing this. I made it work for the inside of my house with my xiaomi sensors.
Took me a bit to figure out “|float” to make the sensor outputs floats not strings and where to place that.
Also took out windspeedmps cause there shouldn’t be a strong breeze inside my house.

{% set temperature = states('sensor.atc_a447_temperature')|float %}
{% set humidity = states('sensor.atc_a447_humidity')|float %}
{% set wvp = (humidity/100) * 6.105 * e**((17.27*temperature) / (237.7 + temperature))%}
{{(temperature + 0.33 * wvp  - 4.00)|round(2)}}
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I am newbie here, I tried the use the feel like temp sensor add-on with one of my indoor sensor, getting the following . Not sure what I am doing wrong? Please advise.

The value is showing as “unknown”

Here is my configuration.yaml entry looks like and test script:


  • platform: temperature_feels_like
    name: ‘Feels Like Temperature’
    • sensor.multisensor7_living_air_temperature_2
    • sensor.multisensor7_living_humidity_2

alias: Test feels_like_temperature
description: “”

  • device_id: xxxxx
    domain: zha
    platform: device
    type: remote_button_short_press
    subtype: remote_button_short_press
    condition: []
  • data_template:
    message: “Feels Like: {{ states(‘sensor.feels_like_temperature’) }}”
    title: feels_like_temperature add-on test
    service: notify.notify
    mode: single

  - platform: temperature_feels_like
    name: 'Guest FLT'
      - sensor.wifi_temperature_humidity_sensor_humidity
      - sensor.wifi_temperature_humidity_sensor_temperature

“Temperature Feels Like” uses the temperature sensor for both inputs and gives a false reading

Guest TH Humidity
state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: %
device_class: humidity
friendly_name: Guest TH Humidity
Guest TH Temperature
state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: °C
device_class: temperature
friendly_name: Guest TH Temperature

But I get this

Guest FLT
temperature_source: sensor.wifi_temperature_humidity_sensor_temperature
temperature_source_value: 14
humidity_source: sensor.wifi_temperature_humidity_sensor_temperature
humidity_source_value: 14
wind_speed_source: null
wind_speed_source_value: 0
unit_of_measurement: °C
device_class: temperature
friendly_name: Guest FLT

This is on a TUYA temp/humidity sensor

on a Sonoff it works OK

Bathroom TH Humidity
59.0	state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: %
device_class: humidity
friendly_name: Bathroom TH Humidity

Bathroom TH Temperature
17.4	state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: °C
device_class: temperature
friendly_name: Bathroom TH Temperature

Bath FLT
17.2	temperature_source: sensor.sonoff_10008d0a28_temperature
temperature_source_value: 17.4
humidity_source: sensor.sonoff_10008d0a28_humidity
humidity_source_value: 59
wind_speed_source: null
wind_speed_source_value: 0
unit_of_measurement: °C
device_class: temperature
friendly_name: Bath FLT

Fix (for my situation) is to comment out 2 lines like #or entity_id.find(“temperature”) >= 0 at lines 190 & 199

                if (
                    device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE
                    or domain in (WEATHER, CLIMATE)
                    or unit_of_measurement in TEMPERATURE_UNITS
                    #or entity_id.find("temperature") >= 0
                    self._temp = entity_id

                if (
                    device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_HUMIDITY
                    or domain in (WEATHER, CLIMATE)
                    or unit_of_measurement == PERCENTAGE
                    #or entity_id.find("humidity") >= 0
                    self._humd = entity_id

Which gives the correct

Guest FLT
temperature_source: sensor.wifi_temperature_humidity_sensor_temperature
temperature_source_value: 13.2
humidity_source: sensor.wifi_temperature_humidity_sensor_humidity
humidity_source_value: 57
wind_speed_source: null
wind_speed_source_value: 0
unit_of_measurement: °C
device_class: temperature
friendly_name: Guest FLT



thanks for the sensor. Here the sensor getting wrong wind_speed from pirate weather sensor. First define the weather sensor as source and then special outdoor sensor to overwrite these with the real:

- platform: temperature_feels_like
  name: Außentemperatur gefĂŒhlt
  unique_id: temperature_feels_like_hausoputdoor
    - weather.pirateweather
    - sensor.mmx_hausoutdoor_temp_mean
    - sensor.netatmo_terrasse_humidity

Here you can see pirate weather is showing wind_speed 10.3 km/h and temperature_feels_like showing 2.8611?

10.3 km/h = 2.861(1) m/s

OK thank you, then your sensor converts in m/s and so everything is correct.

Have a look at GitHub - dolezsa/thermal_comfort: Thermal Comfort sensor for HA (absolute humidity, heat index, dew point, thermal perception)

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