Sensor: - platform: time_date time update randomly


I have added

  - platform: time_date
      - date
      - time

To my configuration.yaml file, but as my screen dump shows it does not update every minute, but quite ramdomly. So I cannot use it to tricker an event.

I am running Home Assistant OS 5.12, core-2021.3.4
On a VirtualBox 6.1.18 for MacOS.

I have tried making a barebone install only with the Sensor added to configuration.yaml. Same problem.

I started to try to make this work 4 month ago, my spirit is breaking. Any suggestions?

My time sensor updates exactly every minute. Have you looked at the sensor in developer tools instead of in the front end? If I open it there, I can see the “updated xx seconds ago” counting up and the state updates every minute.

Nop its the same value and not updating… but just making it even more odd… thanks :wink:
Screenshot 2021-04-06 at 23.52.07

Yes, very strange indeed.