Sensor sub_entity style?

Are there any args for changing the style of a sub_entity on a sensor widget?

After hours of trying to figure it out, I found that state_text_style works to style it!

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sorry that i missed when you posted the question, then i could have saved you the trouble :wink:

I appreciate that. I should have just posted the question yesterday when I started trying to figure it out. :upside_down_face:

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then i would have seen it for sure :wink:

it isnt the most obvious thing.
ill ask @aimc if he would add a comment about it to the docs.

sub_entity is added later on and uses the state part in the HTML.
but not even state_text_style is in the docs.
so credits for you that you did find it at all :wink:

I added state_text_style to the list of style arguments for sensor

thanks. did you also add a comment that it is also used for the subentity?

I did now :wink:

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your a champ :wink:

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