I’ve created template sensor like this:
unique_id: sinotimer_raw_phase_current_total
friendly_name: Phase current total raw
unit_of_measurement: A
device_class: current
availability_template: >-
{{ not is_state('sensor.sinotimer_raw_data', 'unavailable') }}
value_template: >-
{% set t = [states('sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_a'), states('sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_b'), states('sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_c')]
| map('float') | list %}
{{ '{:.3f}'.format(t | sum | round(3)) }}
now if I go to “developers tools → template” and write
{{ states('sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_total') }}
I see the value is 3 decimals, like 0.000
But if I go to “developers tools → states” and select entity sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_total value is shown only as 0.0
The same if I add entity to cars on Lovelace…
I want to have 3 decimals all the time even if they are zero, eg . 0.000 or 0.010 or 0.100
How to achieve it?
Similar with filter, I can specify precision attribute, but it make only rounding…