Sensor\template\filter value precision


I’ve created template sensor like this:

        unique_id: sinotimer_raw_phase_current_total
        friendly_name: Phase current total raw
        unit_of_measurement: A
        device_class: current
        availability_template: >-
          {{ not is_state('sensor.sinotimer_raw_data', 'unavailable') }}
        value_template: >-
            {% set t = [states('sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_a'), states('sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_b'), states('sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_c')]
                       | map('float') | list %}
            {{ '{:.3f}'.format(t | sum | round(3)) }}

now if I go to “developers tools → template” and write

     {{ states('sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_total') }}

I see the value is 3 decimals, like 0.000
But if I go to “developers tools → states” and select entity sensor.sinotimer_raw_phase_current_total value is shown only as 0.0
The same if I add entity to cars on Lovelace…
I want to have 3 decimals all the time even if they are zero, eg . 0.000 or 0.010 or 0.100
How to achieve it?

Similar with filter, I can specify precision attribute, but it make only rounding…

The frontend is responsible for automatically reducing the value to 0.0 and, to my knowledge, there’s currently no control over that behavior (but it may be offered in a future release).