Sensor Template - Unifi

I’m hoping someone can assist, I’m attempting to setup home/floor based presence by determining what client is connected to what AP. However I am struggling some what with the template, please could someone assist?

What I would like to do is create a sensor that tells me what AP I am connected to and when I’m connected to no AP its shows in the front end as away or disconnected or something other than unknown. Below is the attributes that i have exposed from the Unifi APs

Filter Entity = device_tracker.google_pixel_xl_user]
State = home
Attributes =
source_type: router
latitude: 51.60615
longitude: -2.521689
gps_accuracy: 0
scanner: UnifiScanner
rx_rate: 400000
tx_rate: 400000
rssi: 35
signal: -61
noise: -106
radio_proto: ac
is_wired: false
ap_mac: 78:8a:20:4b:09:83
last_seen: 1542223810
uptime: 6186
oui: Htc f
friendly_name: Google Pixel XL User

I have created a template sensor that pulls the ap_mac address into the State and then I have created a further template sensor to identify which AP is which MAC address and to show as offline when no AP connected.

  - platform: template
        value_template: '{{states.device_tracker.google_pixel_xl_user.attributes.ap_mac}}'
        friendly_name: 'User associated to'
        value_template:{% if is_state('sensor.unifi_connected_ap', 'b4:fb:e4:21:79:1c') %}
      {% elif is_state('sensor.unifi_connected_ap', '78:8a:20:4b:09:83') %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

However I am getting this error??

Configuration invalid

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while scanning for the next token found character '%' that cannot start any token in "/config/custom_config/sensors/network_sensors/unifi_presence.yaml", line 10, column 26

Please could someone point me in the right direction?

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Edit: Looks Like I have fixed it, I just needed to type it all out :expressionless: Just needed it change my quotes and then enclose it in single quotes.

    value_template: '{% if is_state("sensor.unifi_connected_ap", "b4:fb:e4:21:79:1c") %} 
      {% elif is_state("sensor.unifi_connected_ap", "78:8a:20:4b:09:83") %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}'

I’m not sure if anyone can suggest any edits to condense the template down rather than having to create a sensor just to query the MAC address from the AP?

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Typically the way that is written is with multi-line YAML:

    value_template: >
      {% if is_state("sensor.unifi_connected_ap", "b4:fb:e4:21:79:1c") %} 
      {% elif is_state("sensor.unifi_connected_ap", "78:8a:20:4b:09:83") %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
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So the next step would be to template this even further so that a sensor is created for each device that is:

  1. “home” and
  2. where the scanner attribute is “UnifiScanner”

so it doesn’t require definition of a (better: 2) sensor for each device separately.

But I guess that’s out of reach for the sensor definition itself.

@chairstacker Are you able to give any insight on how that might be achieved?

@pnbruckner Thanks for you comments, I have changed the config and learnt something, on a side note you don’t need the friendly names in quotes otherwise the “” show up in the front end

    value_template: >
      {% if is_state("sensor.user_unifi_ap", "b4:fb:e4:21:79:1c") %} 
      {% elif is_state("sensor.user_unifi_ap", "78:8a:20:4b:09:83") %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

Ah, yes, of course. I just copied that part verbatim since I was focusing on the logic and the use of multi-line YAML. Should have noticed that. :slight_smile:

@pnbruckner Now I’m attempting to put this in a single sensor using map()

This code passes the ‘Check Files’ in Hass but just returns unknown in the front end… Work in progress

    value_template: >
      {% if state(states.device_tracker.google_pixel_xl.attributes.ap_mac | map('b4:fb:e4:21:79:1c')) %} 
      {% elif is_state(states.device_tracker.google_pixel_xl.attributes.ap_mac | map('78:8a:20:4b:09:83')) %}
      {% else %}

Not sure what I’m missing yet… More documentation to read

I believe what you’re looking for is:

    value_template: >
      {% if is_state_attr("device_tracker.google_pixel_xl", "ap_mac", "b4:fb:e4:21:79:1c") %} 
      {% elif is_state_attr("device_tracker.google_pixel_xl", "ap_mac", "78:8a:20:4b:09:83") %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

Pretty sure this is not possible straight away, I’d be surprised if you could define sensors ‘on the fly’, i.e. based on a list of known_devices that might change.

But I think it should be possible to create a ‘user_connected_ap’ sensor for each device that’s supposed to be tracked, e.g. as an input_text, and then assign the WAP it’s associated to based on a highly templated automation that’s triggered by a change of the ap_mac attribute.
Maybe the last part could even be done using conditional cards in Lovelace.

But that’s all beyond my capabilities at the moment.

@pnbruckner You are Amazing!!! Thank you very much :smiley:

That is working perfectly and now I know how to pull attributes from a sensor I can go away and template lots of things. Next on the list is floor presence based off of AP and RSSI

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Hi @noodlemctwoodle and @pnbruckner,

I have set this up in my system, but was having an issue when a device goes offline - it seemed to be hanging on to the last AP it’s been logged onto, i.e. it never went to status ‘Offline’. This created some strange issues when I started showing the results of the query above in my Lovelace interface:

# Show which device is connected to which WAP
      - type: custom:monster-card
        show_empty: false
          type: glance
          title: OFFICE_WIFI
          show_state: false
          show_name: false
          column_width: 20%
            - entity_id: "*user_connected_ap*"
              state: "OFFICE_WIFI"
      - type: custom:monster-card
        show_empty: false
          type: glance
          title: LIVING_ROOM_WIFI
          show_state: false
          show_name: false
          column_width: 20%
            - entity_id: "*user_connected_ap*"
              state: "LIVING_ROOM_WIFI"

I have wrapped the code above in a few lines that fix the problem:

  value_template: >
    {% if is_state("device_tracker.google_pixel_xl", "home") %}
      {% if is_state_attr("device_tracker.google_pixel_xl", "ap_mac", "b4:fb:e4:21:79:1c") %} 
      {% elif is_state_attr("device_tracker.google_pixel_xl", "ap_mac", "78:8a:20:4b:09:83") %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}