I’m using a sensor template to set up some times to trigger Presence Mimicking routines - this is currently set with a time-based trigger of midnight, as well as on system startup. The problem is, it is regenerating the times every minute, which I don’t really want as it could cause some routines to then not run, or run more than once (as well as, I would imagine, creating a resource overhead by running this 1440 times a day).
Is there any way to make this just run at midnight, to create the times for the coming day? Snippet of configuration.yaml in the picture
@mikeosborne69 The actual problem here is the hyphen before sensor: which “orphans” the trigger section and creates a bunch of non-trigger-based template sensors. Remove that hyphen and all will be well.
See the first example here:
Please post code properly in future, not screenshots.
Thanks for this - apologies for the malformat, was stuck using a device that wouldnt let me copy the code (at work and the network blocks access to my HA instance through laptop so i was phone only)