Sensor to detect webpage changes with Curl?

I’m wanting to monitor a webpage for content changes using curl and then have Home Assistant notify me. With a bit of searching this morning, I came across binary sensors, but I haven’t been able to make one work just yet. I’m wondering if I can get some other eyes on it; I’m relatively unfamiliar with making YAML configuration changes.

Here are the two methods I’ve placed into my configuration.yaml with no success yet.

  1. Courtesy of this Reddit comment:
  - platform: command_line
    command: 'curl -s https://<website_to_track>.com | grep "searchTerm" '
    name: Website Update Sensor
    device_class: connectivity
    scan_interval: 3600
    payload_on: 0
    payload_off: 1
  1. An attempt using the Statistics Configuration documentation:
  - platform: command_line
    name: Website Update Sensor
    command: 'curl -s https://<website_to_track>.com | grep "searchTerm" '
    scan_interval: 3600

Interestingly, I might have had to restart Home Assistant completely for the changes to take effect. I thought the “Quick Reload” option would be enough, but I see that my sensor has now populated after a full restart. Going to try a few different methods and see which one works best.

I also stumbled across the Command Line documentation.

  - binary_sensor
      command: 'curl -s https://<website_to_track>.com | grep "searchTerm" '
      name: Website Update Sensor
      device_class: connectivity
      payload_on: 0
      payload_off: 1
      scan_interval: 3600

EDIT: I haven’t yet got it sorted. The sensor is created, but I decreased the scan interval to 60 for testing purposes, and the sensor continues to stay in “unknown” state.