Hey guys,
I’m trying to find a good way to feed some sensors with manual values in a conmfortable way from the frontend.
I’ve become a dad recently and I would love to track the amount of pumped milk, fed mother’s milk and addtional fed milk. I would love to have a costum card to show me the latest entries to those (in my case 3) sensors. For example last time mother’s milk fed 24.12 15:00= 80ml. And a button to add a new entry. The date should be taken from the current date but should be editable. That way we could easily track the latest time we fed and how much.
I probably don’t have to tell you that after tracking those values through the frontend the next step would be some cool curves with grafana holding production against consumtion. Easier predicting needed addtional milk. Or seeing patterns in feeding frequency.
Through those (really happy I have to say) circumstances my time is a little bit limited in digging through all the possiblities. I could imagine that such a setup would be interesting for other use cases (feeding animals etc.)
If someone could point me in a promising direction that would be nice too and I would be happy to share the result when something would come out of it
I wish you all a happy christmas and happy tinkering with you home assistant related projects during your free days