Just jumping in to HA development, first project. I took an existing sensor (ups.py) and extended it to give more detail on packages being delivered. Currently it just writes the custom/extra info out to the log file so I know it’s working and parsing correctly. So I have all this data, how do I display it ?
Where I am lost is the connection from the backend sensor to the frontend UI. I don’t see how you configure a particular entity to display on a specific state-card. I see some things about developing custom state-cards, which is fine if thats what I need to do, but I would much rather re-use an existing one. Ultimately I just want to display about 3 lines of icon/name/state (like a group), and then I might add a more-detail popup to list all packages in transit. But since it’s so simple, I would prefer to use an existing state-card (or maybe I just need to create my 3 items separately and add them to a group) then develop a custom one.
Any pointers would be appreciated.