Sensor value template question

I have a sensor that is scraping a webpage and returning a numerical value for me. The issue is the numerical value from the website has a comma in it, like 1,550. I’m trying to convert/filter the input data to remove the comma and look like 1550. I’m attempting to use the below configuration for the sensor, but the value just returns as 0. I’m not very familiar with templating so I apologize in advance as this is likely an issue with my configuration.

  - platform: scrape
    name: Power Grid Operating Reserves
    select: "tr:nth-child(42) td:nth-child(2)"
    unit_of_measurement: MW
    scan_interval: 60
    value_template: "{{ states('sensor.power_grid_operating_reserves') | round(default=0) }}"

Someone already had a similar problem and provided his own solution.

Thank you @decibel_nv! I looked through existing topics and was not able to find this, appreciate you linking it here. This resolved my issue.

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