just thought I’d share a template sensor I made, using 2 different weather integrations and their respective special icons.
friendly_name_template: >
{{states('sensor.weather_icon').split('weather')[1]|replace('-',' ')|title}}
value_template: >
{% set mapper_ds =
{'clear-day': 'sunny',
'clear-night': 'night',
'sunny': 'sunny',
'rain': 'rainy',
'snow': 'snowy',
'sleet': 'snowy-rainy',
'wind': 'windy',
'fog': 'fog',
'cloudy': 'cloudy',
'partlycloudy': 'partly-cloudy',
'partly-cloudy-day': 'partly-cloudy',
'partly-cloudy-night': 'night-partly-cloudy',
'hail': 'hail',
'thunderstorm': 'lightning',
'tornado': 'hurricane'} %}
{% set mapper_br =
{'pouring': 'pouring',
'lightning-rainy': 'lightning-rainy',
'snowy-rainy': 'snowy-rainy'} %}
{% set dark = states('weather.darksky') %}
{% set radar = states('weather.buienradar') %}
{% set weather = mapper_br[radar] if radar in mapper_br else
mapper_ds[dark] if dark in mapper_ds else 'sunny-alert' %}
icon_template: >
Both integrations have conditions not met in the other (day-night for one rather important distinction, and the pouring, snowy and lightning conditions ) I like to have both in one sensor to display.
I now can eg use this sensor as icon for my CCH tab in the main menu:
- template:
- tab:
icon: >
var alarm = entity['alarm_control_panel.ha_main_alarm'].state;
if (alarm == 'disarmed') 'mdi:shield-check';
else if (alarm == 'armed_away') 'mdi:shield-lock';
else if (alarm == 'armed_custom_bypass') 'mdi:security';
else if (alarm == 'armed_home') 'mdi:shield-home';
else if (alarm == 'armed_night') 'mdi:shield-home';
else if (alarm == 'pending') 'mdi:shield-outline';
else if (alarm == 'triggered') 'mdi:bell-alert';
else 'mdi:shield-check';
- tab:
icon: >
var family = entity['sensor.family_home'].state;
if (family == '0') 'mdi:account-off';
else if (family == '1') 'mdi:account';
else if (family == '2') 'mdi:account-multiple';
else if (family == '3') 'mdi:account-multiple-check';
else 'mdi:account-group';
- tab:
icon: >
var weer = entity['sensor.weather_icon'].state;