Sensor with 3 states for early-, late- and night shift

Everything in my HA depends on my work shifts.
I need a sensor that automatically “shows” me early, late or night shift every 3 weeks.
I played with {{ now().isocalendar()[1] }} and searched the forum but didn’t find a solution.
Does anyone have an idea how I can create a “work shift sensor”?


You can create an input select (Dropdown) helper and store 3 different options there.

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I already thought about it. But switching every week is too complicated for me.

I assume, you are interested in setting up schedule every week automatically. right? you can move to next schedule with an automation using these services select_next, select_previous, select_first, select_last.

If you manually override it in any day, next time automation will pick it up and continue from that point.

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I was thinking more like:
´if {{ now().isocalendar()[1] }} = 1,4,7,10.... then early shift.....´

Ahh, I see now, I was thinking like, you set the today’s shift into input_select once and with an automation to be run every midnight/week, you just push it forward.

I am leaning into input_select, because, to my experience, there is always a slight chance on moving shifts around.

But, I would share one fully template based example with you, give me some time.

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where can I find this: select_next, select_previous, select_first, select_last.?

these are services to be used in conjunction with input_select/Dropdown helper, check the first link I shared

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Look at this.

Post 3 might be interesting.
I think you just need to change the 2 to 3 to get what you want.

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definitely long way of doing what you want :slight_smile:

{% set known_early_week_monday = strptime("2023-09-04","%Y-%m-%d") | as_local | as_timestamp %}
{% set now_as_timestap = today_at("00:00") | as_timestamp %}
{{ known_early_week_monday }}
{{ now_as_timestap }}
{% set weeks_diff = ((now_as_timestap - known_early_week_monday)/(86400*7))|round(0, "floor") %}
{{ weeks_diff }}
{% set modus = weeks_diff % 3  %}
{{ modus }}

{% if modus == 0 %}
{% elif modus == 1 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

You need to store the beginning of shift, a known early shift week’s Monday date :slight_smile: The rest will calculate the number of weeks difference. take modus of 3 and see how many shifts to move forward.

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This is not related to blueprints, so maybe that should be changed in the topic. However, this might help you when dealing with time…


This is another approach that might be useful. Found in HACS. You could set a weekly scheduled event to change the value of an input_select.

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Or this?

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Thank you all so much for the help