I have a sensor template that has a delay_off
. Therefore, if the state at startup is not on
it will be unknown
. Which kind of makes sense, because it hasn’t been off
for 1800 s.
But I want it to be off in that case.
How can I do that?
- name: "test 1"
unique_id: "test_1"
unit_of_measurement: ""
seconds: 1800
state: >
{% if states('sensor.temperatur_test')|float > 5 %}
{{ "on" }}
{% else %}
{{ "off" }}
{% endif %}
April 15, 2022, 1:14pm
What version of home assistant are you running?
Also if it only has a binary state (on/off) use a binary sensor:
- binary_sensor:
- name: "test 1"
unique_id: "test_1"
seconds: 1800
state: "{{ states('sensor.temperatur_test')|float(0) > 5 }}"
The state of binary sensors with delays are restored on restart as of v2022.4
I am on 2022.4.4. But I changed the template to test it. Maybe that resets it. The problem is that I have to have an off state to begin with and probably half an hour of not restarting HA.
No, it won’t save the state.
I just waited 30 minutes and it went off, after a restart it is back to unknown.
I can force it to on:
{% if (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states('sensor.uptime'))) < 1 %}
{{ "on" }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
But how can I force it to off without the delay?
April 15, 2022, 2:26pm
Are you still using a sensor rather than a binary sensor?
I was always using a binary sensor, I just missed the first line to copy.
April 15, 2022, 2:30pm
Then this:
{% if (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states('sensor.uptime'))) < 1 %}
{{ "on" }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Should be:
state: "{{ as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states('sensor.uptime')) < 1 }}"
Which will return true or false depending on the numeric test.
The “…” where actually used for my actual if statement. But since this didn’t work out I have replaced it with my original if statements again. They do work, but after a restart the first half hour the sensor will be unknown, which is not ideal.
April 15, 2022, 2:39pm
Template binary sensors with delays are restoring their state for me.
Not for me.
Did you try something like this:
- binary_sensor:
- name: "Test 1"
unique_id: "test_1"
unit_of_measurement: ""
seconds: 18
state: >
{% if (states('sensor.temperature_1')|float < -20) %}
{{ "on" }}
{% else %}
{{ "off" }}
{% endif %}
I don’t understand the difference. The above code will remain the state after a restart.
However my “real script” won’t:
- binary_sensor:
- name: "Garage mold"
unique_id: "garage_mold"
unit_of_measurement: ""
icon: mdi:water-percent-alert
seconds: 1800
state: >
{% if ((states('sensor.temperature_outdoor')|float - state_attr('sensor.mold_indicator_garage','dewpoint')) < - 5 ) and states('sensor.temperature_garage')|float > 5 %}
{{ "on" }}
{% else %}
{% if ((states('sensor.temperature_outdoor')|float - state_attr('sensor.mold_indicator_garage','dewpoint')) > - 3 ) %}
{{ "off" }}
{% else %}
{{ "on" }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
April 15, 2022, 3:00pm
As I keep telling you, binary templates should resolve to true
or false
. Not the strings “on” or “off”.
All of these work for me:
- name: "Dishwasher Running"
icon: "mdi:dishwasher"
state: "{{ states('sensor.dishwasher_power')|float(0) > 10 }}"
device_class: moving
minutes: 5
minutes: 2
- name: "Excess Solar"
icon: "mdi:solar-power"
state: "{{ ( states('sensor.lp20_inverter_power')|float(0) - states('sensor.hot_water_power')|float(0) ) > 2500 }}"
minutes: 10
minutes: 10
- name: "Washing Machine Running"
icon: "mdi:washing-machine"
state: "{{ states('sensor.washing_machine_power')|float(0) > 2.5 }}"
device_class: moving
minutes: 1
1 Like
April 15, 2022, 3:14pm
You don’t need to specify them. The numeric test “>” will return true or false.
state: >
{% if ( states('sensor.temperature_outdoor')|float(0) - state_attr('sensor.mold_indicator_garage','dewpoint') ) < -5 and states('sensor.temperature_garage')|float > 5 %}
{{ true }}
{% else %}
{{ states('sensor.temperature_outdoor')|float(0) - state_attr('sensor.mold_indicator_garage','dewpoint') > - 3 ) }}
{% endif %}
This saves me an if statement but I still have the same issue.
What else can I do? Other binary sensors with off delays work, the example above works, but not this one. Not even if i put all in one {{...}}
Could it be the mold indicator that is unknown at startup?
April 15, 2022, 3:35pm
Are there any errors related to the tempalte in your log?
I not that you are not casting the attributes as numbers. You may not have to as they can be numbers (unlike all states), but you should check.
I added |float to the mold indicator.
There is an error:
Logger: homeassistant.components.template.template_entity
Source: components/template/template_entity.py:167
Integration: Template (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:36:59 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:36:59
TemplateError('TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'float' and 'NoneType'') while processing template ...
I guess this comes from the mold indicator…
April 15, 2022, 3:53pm
Give all the sensors and attributes defaults.
I deleted the mold indicator and made my own template for dewpoint.
- sensor:
- name: "Dewpoint"
unique_id: "dewpoint"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
icon: mdi:water
state: >
{% set a = float(17.271) %}
{% set b = float(237.7) %}
{% set dewpoint_tmp =(a *states('sensor.temperature')|float) / (b + states('sensor.temperature')|float) + log(states('sensor.humidity)|float/100) %}
{% set dewpoint = (b * dewpoint_tmp) / (a - dewpoint_tmp) %}
{{ dewpoint |float |round(1) }}
Now it works as expected.
Thanks for your help on the way!