I was searching the way to display a pie chart from an uniq Sensor with different values. Apexchart pie uses different entities to construct the pie
This is an example with MelCloud Operation mode
The idea is to provide a pie chart with Operation Mode day distribution
Important Notes:
Restart Hassio completely after sensors integration. It’s mandatory to restart always than a new integration is included.
Accuracy of pie chart depends on update interval of Rest Api integration. It’s not recomended to set a very low interval becuase it will collapse the Cloud integration
The configuration is the following one
Configuration for REST Api
sensor REST API Melcloud
- platform: rest
name: heat_pump_api
resource: !secret mcloud_resource
method: GET
X-MitsContextKey: !secret mcloud_api_key
value_template: '{{value_json[0].Structure.Devices[0]["Device"]["LastTimeStamp"]}}'
icon: mdi:heat-wave
scan_interval: 300
json_attributes_path: !secret mcloud_att_path
- OperationMode
- LastTimeStamp
Configuration of Sensors
Operation Mode Sensor with names (inside configuration.yaml):
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Heat Pump Operation Mode"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',0) %}
{% elif is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',1) %}
Heating ACS
{% elif is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',2) %}
Heating Radiators
{% elif is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',3) %}
{% elif is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',4) %}
{% elif is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',5) %}
{% elif is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',6) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Sensor for each of the Operation mode. These sensors will be used to check that operation mode is correctly working ( configure inside plaftorm template in configuration.yaml file)
“Off mode” has been change from 0 to 10, to be sure it correctly detected
friendly_name: "Heat Pump OPM OFF"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',0) %}
{{ 10.0 }}
{% else %}
{{ none }}
{% endif %}
device_class: aqi
friendly_name: "Heat Pump OPM ACS"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',1) %}
{{ 1.0 }}
{% else %}
{{ none }}
{% endif %}
device_class: aqi
friendly_name: "Heat Pump OPM HeatR"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',2) %}
{{ 2.0 }}
{% else %}
{{ none }}
{% endif %}
device_class: aqi
friendly_name: "Heat Pump OPM Cool"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',3) %}
{{ 3.0 }}
{% else %}
{{ none }}
{% endif %}
device_class: aqi
friendly_name: "Heat Pump OPM Standby"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',4) %}
{{ 4.0 }}
{% else %}
{{ none }}
{% endif %}
device_class: aqi
friendly_name: "Heat Pump OPM Defrost"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',5) %}
{{ 5.0 }}
{% else %}
{{ none }}
{% endif %}
device_class: aqi
friendly_name: "Heat Pump OPM Legg"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.heat_pump_api','OperationMode',6) %}
{{ 6.0 }}
{% else %}
{{ none }}
{% endif %}
device_class: aqi
Configuration of history_stat sensors for each operation Mode. These will control the time used by each sensor ( configure at the same level of platform template )
- platform: history_stats
name: heat_pump_opm_heatr_time
entity_id: sensor.heat_pump_operationmode
state: "Heating Radiators"
type: time
start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
end: "{{ now() }}"
# hours: 24
- platform: history_stats
name: heat_pump_opm_off_time
entity_id: sensor.heat_pump_operationmode
state: "Off"
type: time
start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
end: "{{ now() }}"
- platform: history_stats
name: heat_pump_opm_acs_time
entity_id: sensor.heat_pump_operationmode
state: "Heating ACS"
type: time
start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
end: "{{ now() }}"
- platform: history_stats
name: heat_pump_opm_cooling_time
entity_id: sensor.heat_pump_operationmode
state: "Cooling"
type: time
start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
end: "{{ now() }}"
- platform: history_stats
name: heat_pump_opm_stand_time
entity_id: sensor.heat_pump_operationmode
state: "Standby"
type: time
start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
end: "{{ now() }}"
- platform: history_stats
name: heat_pump_opm_defrost_time
entity_id: sensor.heat_pump_operationmode
state: "Defrost"
type: time
start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
end: "{{ now() }}"
- platform: history_stats
name: heat_pump_opm_legion_time
entity_id: sensor.heat_pump_operationmode
state: "Legionella"
type: time
start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
end: "{{ now() }}"
Display of sensors. Add new history graph card in frontend Hass
type: history-graph
hours_to_show: 24
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_acs
name: acs
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_defrost
name: defrost
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_heatr
name: heat
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_off
name: 'off'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_standby
name: sby
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_legionella
name: leg
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_cool
name: Cool
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_operationmode
name: M
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_heatr_time
name: Heat
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_off_time
name: 'off'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_acs_time
name: acs
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_cooling_time
name: cool
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_defrost_time
name: defr
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_stand_time
name: sby
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_legion_time
name: Legg
update_interval: 60m
Configuration of Pie Chart
Add new apexchart Card for previous day
type: custom:apexcharts-card
chart_type: pie
graph_span: 24h
start: day
show: true
floating: false
title: Ecodan Usage Yesterday
show_states: false
colorize_states: true
last_updated: true
offset: '-1d'
func: max
duration: 24h
datalabels: percent
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_off_time
name: 'off'
color: '#949391'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_acs_time
name: ACS
color: '#f2ac1f'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_defrost_time
name: Defr
color: '#cfcf15'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_heatr_time
name: Heat
color: '#b31212'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_stand_time
name: Sby
color: cyan
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_legion_time
name: Legg
color: '#abcf37'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_cooling_time
name: Cool
color: '#56a5ec'
update_interval: 60m
Same configuration for actual day ( only difference remove offset: ‘-1d’ from previous)
type: custom:apexcharts-card
chart_type: pie
graph_span: 24h
start: day
show: true
floating: false
title: Ecodan Usage
show_states: false
colorize_states: true
last_updated: true
func: max
duration: 24h
datalabels: percent
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_off_time
name: 'off'
color: '#949391'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_acs_time
name: ACS
color: '#f2ac1f'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_defrost_time
name: Defr
color: '#cfcf15'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_heatr_time
name: Heat
color: '#b31212'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_stand_time
name: Sby
color: cyan
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_legion_time
name: Legg
color: '#abcf37'
- entity: sensor.heat_pump_opm_cooling_time
name: Cool
color: '#56a5ec'
update_interval: 60m
The result could be check with MelCloudApp.
Take into account that values are not exactly the same. Perhaps the update ratio from MelCloud App is different or have another implementation.
Then a message with the summary could be sent to telegram. I only could send in text mode
alias: Send Ecodan Distribution
- platform: time
- "23:59:50"
condition: []
- service: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
title: Ecodan Energy Distribution
message: >-
{% set total = (states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_heatr_time")|float +
states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_off_time")|float +
states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_acs_time")|float +
states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_cooling_time")|float +
states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_defrost_time")|float +
states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_stand_time")|float +
states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_legion_time")|float)|round(2) %}
📉<b>Total:</b> {{ total }}h📈
⛔️ Off: {{ states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_off_time") }}h / {{
((states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_off_time")|float / total ) *
"100.0"|float)| round(2) }} %
🚰 ACS: {{ states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_acs_time") }}h / {{
((states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_acs_time")|float / total ) *
"100.0"|float)| round(2) }} %
♨️ Heat: {{ states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_heatr_time") }}h / {{
((states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_heatr_time")|float / total ) *
"100.0"|float)| round(2) }} %
❄️ Cool: {{ states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_cooling_time") }}h / {{
((states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_cooling_time")|float / total ) *
"100.0"|float)| round(2) }} %
☢️ Defrost: {{ states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_defrost_time") }}h / {{
((states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_defrost_time")|float / total ) *
"100.0"|float)| round(2) }} %
♻️ Standby: {{ states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_stand_time") }}h / {{
((states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_stand_time")|float / total ) *
"100.0"|float)| round(2) }} %
⚕️ Legionella: {{ states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_legion_time") }}h / {{
((states("sensor.heat_pump_opm_legion_time")|float / total ) *
"100.0"|float)| round(2) }} %
parse_mode: html
disable_notification: true
I hope this helps or could be used as base for other sensors.
Best regards