Sensors keep Disconecting

Hi Guys I’m AJ and I’m very new to Home Assistant. I do enjoy it so far and only set it up this week. I am struggling with one ongoing issue. I’m using RP4 4GB with SonOff zigbee stick, to control zigbee devices I’m using the software which been installed together with sonoff dongle I think it calls zigbee coordinator. I was trying install zigbee2nqtt on my homebridge before but the set up kept me stuck so that’s how I finally set up Home Assistant. The issue I’m having though is, my sensors climate and motion they connect and after a while they either stuck in one state (motion/no motion) or they turn unavailable. Can someone please advise if there is anything I’m doing wrong? I have been setting this HMAS for ages now and it get’s annoying that the same issue reappears :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:.
Thanks in advance :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3: