I have a logical board with 32 sensors integrated with home assistant with mqtt, i manually insert to configuration.yaml the entities. all sensors working but when i restart HA all turn state to unknown, the only way to change the state is to restart logical board after restart HA.
The logical board with 32 sensors is not publishing its payloads as retained messages.
A retained message means the payload is stored on the MQTT broker. When Home Assistant restarts, it connects to the broker, re-subscribes to all required topics, and immediately receives any retained messages. If the topic doesn’t have a retained message, Home Assistant receives nothing and must wait until the next time the board publishes a payload.
Because that’s not a valid option for MQTT Sensors and Binary Sensors. It’s also not where you should be attempting to control message retention. You need to configure your 32-sensor board to publish its data as retained messages. Check its documentation to see if it allows you to do that.