Separate Devices Running MQTT IO Are Recognized as a Single Device in Home Assistant

I appreciate the work of the devs and the community support.

I have a question: I have two separate instances of MQTT IO running right now on two Raspberry Pis (more to come), independent of my HA device, but they get merged into a single device in HA (Mosquitto) with all of the entities under the single device.

I am guessing that I need to change my ha_discovery settings in mqtt-io.conf, but not sure how right now.

Each instance has its own MQTT user, it’s own topic prefix, and a unique name under mqtt.ha_discovery. The device name that shows up in HA is the one that connected most recently.

With MQTT Explorer, I confirmed that the two instances have different unique IDs.

Any idea what I need to change in my configs to get the two to be recognized as separate devices in Home Assistant? Thank you.

I think that I figured this out, in case anyone else is running into the same issue:
It looks like MQTT IO reports two identifiers when it makes its availability report to HA via MQTT: the device name, and, separately, “mqtt-io”. It looks like HA gets confused with multiple devices reporting the same identifier, even if there are unique IDs that accompany the duplicated one.

So, my workaround involves deleting


from the “identifiers” line in

(python virtual environment location)/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mqtt_io/

It seems like this could have some unintended consequences, so I’d appreciate the input of anyone with more experience on this.