Separate HA instance as a NVR with Frigate on HA Container through Docker

Hello Community,

This is my first post. I have an Ameridroid Odroid running HAOS. I’m just getting started by researching, adding some integrations and add ons, etc. I have not done any automations or scripts yet. My question is this:

I would like to setup a NVR with the Frigate integration for home security cameras. I’ve been browsing many topics as a new person to HA. It seems that a solid method for this would be to install Frigate on the NVR itself running HA container through Docker. Is it possible to have a NVR running HA Container with Docker and Frigate in addition to my primary HA instance (HAOS) on the separate device?

I think, in most cases, it would be best to keep the NVR completely separate from the HA instance, correct, due to the storage required for the NVR? I suppose one could attach a storage device via USB to the primary HA instance, but I plan to definitely have a separate instance for the NVR

I appreciate any guidance

Thank you

Depends on hardware.
I have 8 bay server. Plenty of storage for everything . Also depends on video retention. If you record 24/7 you will need more storage than motion only recording. HDD sizes are large so you can do a single 8TB drive and be OK

An NVR (network video recorder)is basically a computer/server that records and stores video.

Frigate + computer = NVR

Yes. Frigate can be installed separate from HA.

Frigate works well. Require or GPU for object detection but technically you could get it to record only i believe.

Thank you very much for the timely response.

Conceptually, I’m struggling to understand how the two HA instances I’m planning…tie in together

1st Instance: The one I have now on the Odroid with HAOS. This current initial setup populates perfectly to the iphone HA IOS

2nd Instance: the NVR I’m planning on building to run HA Container with Docker and Frigate

Big picture, can you help me understand how the HA instances described above link up or tie in together with Frigate? I almost don’t know of what I speak so pardon me for the early learning here

I think I read somewhere that it’s possible to install Frigate on Docker even without Home Assistant on that device. Are there any pros to this vs an install on HA Container?

I do have a Home server running Windows 10 with many TB of storage, but it’s windows, so I’m planning on a mini PC running linux and a Google Coral (If I can find one) on HA Container, Docker, and Frigate as mentioned earlier. Does this sound reasonable?

If I create this setup…the NVR on a mini PC with a Google Coral, running Frigate on HA Container installed on the NVR, will…

  1. I also need/want Frigate on the primary HA instance to view and manage camera feeds?

  2. Does Frigate installed on the NVR allow camera streams to both the other home assistant instance as well as the HA IOS app on my phone?

Thanks again


No you do not need 2 frigate install. One frigate install and HA add on

There is api to get video,photo or data. This is done seamlessly by integration(add on) and all is available from within HA

You may also access camera feed directly from frigate


Thank you for the help


The integration and add-on are separate things.

You don’t need to have a separate instance of HA as you alluded to. You can install the OS of your choice with Docker and you’re good to go. This is, effectively, all that the HA add-on is doing; the HA add-on does simplify things a little bit for you though…potentially.

Setup Frigate on the separate device and just spin up the Frigate integration from your main HA install to point at it. That’s all you need to do.

The app doesn’t really get a copy of the stream directly. The app just connects to your HA instance and gives you access to what’s there. So what you see in the app will be determined by whether the HA instance the app is connected to has the integration setup or not.

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Thank you so much. Your breakdown really helped me understand the different parts. Cheers

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