Sequence Wildcards (or other inputs)

I’m not finding much on the run_sequence feature of appdaemon. I have several similar scripts where only, say, the volume is different. Right now, I have a portion of the yaml input repeated several times with an input_number set to the volume I want.

Is there a way, using a run_sequence, where I can pass it the name of the input_number and the sequencer gets that state and uses that value? Thoughts?

The sequence script would look something like this, where an input_number contains the volume level:

  name: Set volume on Sonos
  - media_player/volume_set:
    entity_id: media_player.living_room
    value: 'input_number.set_living_room_volume'

The alternative is to write my own run_sequence in Python and fill in the values, but that seems like overkill. I’m not sure I’d save any steps.