Brand new Home Assistant user here. I’ve got HAOS installed on an old Surface Pro that I had (everything works but the touch screen). I’m testing things out using WiFi but to get the Surface on a wired connection will cost me about $100. So, I don’t want to do it until I know Home Assistant is going to work for me.
This is the command I used to get WiFi connected:
network update --wifi-auth wpa-psk --wifi-ssid --wifi-psk --ipv4-method auto
Everything works for a few minutes. After that, the wifi configuration is gone and I have to restart the server. Attached is a photo of two network info commands 5 minutes apart.
I’ve never heard of HA running on a Surface Pro before, so not sure what kind of NIC card it has in it. But, it sounds like the driver is failing for some reason. Without log files, it’s really hard to diagnose. You should be able to pull up the log files and see if there are any errors there (I’m willing to bet there’s a fair amount).
If you’re trying to evaluate if HA works for you, I’d get a Raspberry Pi to try it out and go from there. You’re likely to have a much better experience and will be supported hardware as well.
or install a slimmed Debian, and install HAOS in VM
But in the end As code-in-progress advice, buy or get a cheap Device with Ethernet, you wont by any means be able to decide if HA is something for you, in a few days, nor weeks, and specially not, if you already start with network-problems.
A Server is not aimed for wifi Device, A HomeAutomation system( with +2 dozen wifi device and same amount of Zigbee , definitely not )
Depending upon your previous experience/knowledge, and your current network you are on a path where you would “blame” Homeassistant for all connectivity , latency and what ever problems you will be facing
Then you might as well install HAOS in a VM on your Windows/Linux PC or laptop, HAOS only needs 2 Cores and 2 GB ram, and 32-40 GB disk space
As far as Wifi goes…I agree that WiFi is not good for servers. However, a server that cannot support wifi with 1 client is not a good server. My one client is a Roku stick. So, no $$$.
HAOS, with ROKU will work to your satisfaction (it’s Supported) , either install in a VM and test, You wont regret, And in next month you’ll be here on the forum, asking advice for your new( and other current) Devices, and features in HA
Believe me People tried your “path” others with old 32bits laptops etc etc., They/we are still here, thou with appropriate device/equipment
Not that i know whether these are supported in a barebone HAOS on Surface Pro
True, but you’re also trying to determine if something works for you in a very unsupported configuration and I’ve seen people run HA in some very, um, odd, configurations (including running the entire HA server (written in Python) on an Android phone).
Again, you’re running HA on unsupported hardware. It’s not that the server can’t support WiFi (it absolutely can on supported hardware), but that the driver is probably not completely compatible with whatever NIC is in the Surface Pro.
Ahhhh, gotcha. Like I said, I have never seen anyone run it on a Surface. So, I didn’t know the architecture. I’ve actually never even seen a Surface out in the wild… soooo, yeah. Sorry about that.
Alright, so with that out of the way, post up some logs so we might be able to figure out where the driver is dying (IF it’s dying at all).
log files have a lot of upnp errors. It’s always ‘network unreachable.’ I’ve got upnp turned off in my router. I’ll turn it on and try again…that seems to be a security issue.
The browser interface doesn’t seem to download the whole log file…just the errors.
I’m not allowed to upload a log file…here’s the contents.
2024-04-15 19:01:45.822 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] The system could not validate that the sqlite3 database at //config/home-assistant_v2.db was shutdown cleanly
2024-04-15 19:02:03.031 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.roku.coordinator] Error fetching roku data: Invalid response from API: Timeout occurred while connecting to device