Service-action in template, getting forecast data, undefined result

Hi all - this template thing, with embedded actions and the need to use this to extract weather forecast data, is beyond my limits it appears. I have looked through threads I found on this, tried many things, even involved ChatGPT, but I need more help.

What I want to do is make this template definition work (configuration.yaml), so that I get a numer in dwd_echt_templow:

  - trigger:
      - platform: time
        at: "00:00:00"
      - platform: homeassistant
        event: start
      - platform: event
        event_type: event_template_reloaded
      - service: weather.get_forecast
          entity_id: weather.stuttgart_echt_stuttgart_echt_2
          type: daily
        response_variable: daily_forecast
      - name: dwd_echt_datetime
        state: "{{ daily_forecast['weather.stuttgart_echt_stuttgart_echt_2'].forecast[0].datetime }}"
      - name: dwd_echt_temperature
        state: "{{ daily_forecast['weather.stuttgart_echt_stuttgart_echt_2'].forecast[0].temperature }}"
      - name: dwd_echt_templow
        state: "{{ daily_forecast['weather.stuttgart_echt_stuttgart_echt_2'].forecast[0].templow }}"
      - name: dwd_echt_needheating
        state: "{{ daily_forecast['weather.stuttgart_echt_stuttgart_echt_2'].forecast[0].templow < 10 }}"

Running the get_forecast() action manually gives me this output:

    - datetime: "2024-09-16T00:00:00Z"
      condition: rainy
      wind_bearing: NW
      wind_gust_speed: 25.9
      uv_index: 1
      precipitation_probability: 73
      temperature: 13
      templow: 9
      wind_speed: 14.8
      precipitation: 4.9
    - datetime: "2024-09-17T00:00:00Z"
      condition: rainy
      wind_bearing: SO
      wind_gust_speed: 27.8
      uv_index: 2
      precipitation_probability: 62
      temperature: 17
      templow: 12
      wind_speed: 14.8
      precipitation: 3.5

(and so on)

I managed to make this work in the Dev-tools template editor:

{% set daily_forecast =
    "weather.stuttgart_echt_stuttgart_echt_2": {
        "forecast": [
                "datetime": "2024-09-16T00:00:00Z",
                "condition": "rainy",
                "wind_bearing": "NW",
                "wind_gust_speed": 25.9,
                "uv_index": 1,
                "precipitation_probability": 73,
                "temperature": 13,
                "templow": 9,
                "wind_speed": 14.8,
                "precipitation": 4.9
                "datetime": "2024-09-17T00:00:00Z",
                "condition": "rainy",
                "wind_bearing": "SO",
                "wind_gust_speed": 27.8,
                "uv_index": 2,
                "precipitation_probability": 62,
                "temperature": 17,
                "templow": 12,
                "wind_speed": 14.8,
                "precipitation": 3.5

{{ daily_forecast['weather.stuttgart_echt_stuttgart_echt_2'].forecast[0].templow }}

But when I try to make this work in configuration.yaml (see above), I don’t get any data in the sensors I’m defining there.

What am I missing? Any help would be really appreciated!

The action is weather.get_forecasts… with an “s” at the end… Make sure you’re using the correct one in your actual sensor configuration.

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Oh my…

Ok, this was exactly the kind of thing that I wouldn’t have found for days and days.

Thank you so much! Working as expected now!

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