Service call buttons not working in popup?

Is anyone else having a problem in the latest version of HA core using service call buttons within a Browser_mod popup window? This used to work fine in a previous version of HA (2 releases ago I believe), but when I click on my buttons currently, nothing happens at all. No error messages are displayed, and I can’t see anything in the logs - it seems like the service isn’t even being called.

If i create a similar card on my dashboard, that doesn’t sit within a popup, the service call buttons work as expected. I am trying to restart HA as well as restart my VM host:

So for example, the restart Home Assistant config:

type: entities
  - type: button
    name: Restart Home Assistant VM
      action: call-service
      service: homeassistant.restart
        text: Restart Home Assistant?
    action_name: Restart
    icon: mdi:home-assistant

I created an issue on browser mod github, but thought in the meantime I would check if anyone else can confirm similar issues, or whether this function works fine.

github issue