Service call input converted to List/Array when i want to keep as a String

I have a very basic Python script using PyScript which takes an input string of comma separated values and then calls an external API.

I am trying to put a string of comma separated values from an Automation, however the values are being input as a List (shown below), what am i missing to force the input to stay as a string?

service: pyscript.send_disruption_details
  disruptions: >-
    {% set disruptions = state_attr('sensor.home_to_work_route_0','disruption_ids')  | string | trim('[]')  %}  
    {% set disruptions = disruptions.split(', ')  %}
    {% set ignored_disruptions = states('input_text.ptv_ignored_disruptions') | string | trim('[]') %}  
    {% set ignored_disruptions = ignored_disruptions.split(', ')  %}  
    {% set ns = namespace(output = '' | string)  %}  
    {%- for a in disruptions -%} 
      {%- if a not in ignored_disruptions -%}  
        {%- set ns.output = ns.output | string + a | string + "," | string -%}  
      {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%} 
  {{ ns.output | string }}
  sendToRichard: true

However when looking in Traces this is inputting as a list:

  domain: pyscript
  service: send_disruption_details
      - 200000
    sendToRichard: true
  target: {}
running_script: false

I would like this input as: disruptions: "200000,"

I have got this working by using a space separated list, however is there a proper approach to this? I did try quoting, "{{ output }}", other delimiters (e.g. | ) but space seemed to work.

Although i have worked around this i thought i would still post to see what the proper solution is and hopefully help anyone else that is coming across a similar issue.

Note: I did have other options like just sending the entity_id or attribute value to the Python as another input but i was hoping to use templates in the automation as that may give me a little bit more UI flexibility rather than having to update the python script on the HA server.

Will join() not work for what you want?

  {{ ns.output | join(',') }}

That would be the normal approach to return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the list… but it wouldn’t append a comma if the list only has a single value, separators are only added between concatenated values.

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Yup I don’t know why I didn’t do it that way before.

I’ve updated the template so it builds an array they joins the array to a string.
