Service: group.set does not work

I have an automation that feed a group upon restart and every night.
It worked until i restart Home Assistant. Here is code

alias: Batteries Levels Group Feed
description: ""
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - platform: time
    at: "11:30:00"
condition: []
  - service: group.set
      name: Entities with low battery
      entities: >-
        {{ states.sensor  | selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'defined')  |
        selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'eq', 'battery')  | 
        map(attribute='entity_id')  | list  }}
      object_id: batteries_levels_sensors
      icon: mdi:battery
mode: single

I got this error in UI:

A this poin there should be the GUI for configuring service, but i got this. How can I fix this?


That’s only a warning from the UI that it cannot describe the intent of your template. You can still use YAML, as it says.

I think what’s happening here is that you’re running this at startup, before the entities are ready. Perhaps start the action with a short delay?

  - delay: "00:01:00"
  - service: group.set


Perhaps you mean "23:30:00"?

Yes ure, i will fix this

I configured this throught the UI, why now show me this?

It Happen eve if I run manually after HA is fully started

I did more test, and Atcion seems do not run. I have not group created:

But looking at action seem it run:

It worked yesterday befor a reboot then it never worked again


I fixed adding


to configuration file. This pehaps enable the service group.set
