Service: light.turn_off not working. light.turn_on works fine

weirdly enough i can lighten up the zigbee bulbs (lidl) i have with the light.turn_on fine, but a automation where i call the following service, the lights are not doing anything.

service: light.turn_off
  transition: 3
    - light.garden_light_4_garage

i created the above using the GUI, not coded it myself.
Before this, i used the device automation to turn off, instead of calling a service, and that worked fine.

Help is appriciated :slight_smile:


Would be weird if it is, its made by the UI. I did not enter any code.

Regarding the formatting - if you only select one entity in the UI you will not get a โ€œ-โ€, but if you select two and then delete one you will get a โ€œ-โ€. So both options work.

Have you tried it in Dev Tools? Iโ€™d say either your service call isnโ€™t actually running, or some other automation is turning the light back on before the 3 second transistion.

I noticed an odd error in light.turn_off in my Z2M lights yesterday, but havenโ€™t investigated.