Service Update_entity


I use Hue motion sensor in different rooms to turn on/off the light when there is movement and darkness.
By default, the sensor measures brightness every 5 minutes or when motion is detected. This leads to the fact that when I leave a room it turns off the light after a short time, but also measured the brightness value in the room when the light was on. If I enter the room again after a short time, the light is not switched on, because the wrong brightness value is still present.
My idea to solve the problem was that I force the light sensor to update the value after the light was automatically turned off. I darkened a room and run the following automation several times:

id: '1698611928549'
alias: Neue Automatisierung
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '00:01:00'
condition: []
  - service: homeassistant.update_entity
    data: {}
      entity_id: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_4_illuminance
mode: single

However, the measured light value has not adjusted. Do I have here possibly a thinking error?

The update entity service only works for (some) polled sensors.

Hue is local push. i.e. Updates are sent from the device to HA when they occur. HA can not influence this.

Thanks for the quick feedback! That explains the behavior.