Set a float sensor state with input number


I have sensor which holds a temperature. In the dashboard I vreated a input_number with a slider. I want to write the actual value from the slider to the sensor value.

this is what I have now. But this doesn’t work.

alias: Set temperature to sensor
description: ""
  - trigger: state
      - input_number.temp_input
conditions: []
  - data:
      value: "{{ states('input_number.temp_input')  }}"
      entity_id: sensor.temp_holder
    action: number.set_value
mode: single

Any ideas? - thx in advance!

The action number.set_value is only usable for entities in the number domain… those have entity IDs like number.example. It will not work with sensor entities. Generally speaking, sensors get their values from the integration that creates them and are not modifiable by user input.

If you can explain how these entities are related and what you are trying to do we can likely help you find a solution.

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