Set a light to always Off

Hey there,

I am planning a ZWave / Light Switch Automation using an aeotec nano switch and I was wondering if there was a way to set it up so I could permanently switch it off for the a given time.

Use case is me telling my daughter it’s “Lights Out” and making sure the light will not turn on even if she pushed the switch.

Any ideas?



    initial: off

and make this entity (input_boolean.lights_off) available in the UI. Then, in your automation include an additional condition:

condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.lights_off
state: 'off'

This will make the automation stop, if the ‘lights_off’ entity is set to 'on.

Other solution would be to simple call service “automation.turn_off” with the id of your planned automation to disable the automation temporarily.


Thank you for your answer. Am I right thinking that since the light would actually be switched on by the Aeotec Smart switch itself, it wouldn’t go through any kind of Automation (aka it would still work without HA even running) then I can’t simply “disable” this automation via a boolean switch.

One option I thought off would be to have an automation detecting state change on that switch and quickly reverting that change straight away (telling the light to turn off as soon as it’s been turned on) but not sure how much delay there would be and if it would cause bad side effects (damaging circuit, light bulbs, etc…)
