Set Android alarm clock from Home Assistant

I was able to add a new alarm as per the code in you previous post. But I am not able to enable/disable an alarm in Sleep as Android.

I have tested this code (and some other alternatives) but it isnt working
I get message: Not able to send activityintent. Please check format of command. Or something like that, I get the message in swedish

service: notify.mobile_app_andreas_one_plus_8t
  message: command_activity
    channel: "com.urbandroid.sleep"
    group: "com.urbandroid.sleep.extra.alarm_label:test, com.urbandroid.extra.sleep.alarm_enabled:false"
    tag: "com.urbandroid.sleep.alarmclock.ALARM_STATE_CHANGE"

Make sure the labels match exactly what you see on the documentation, don’t add extra text before them.

alarm_label and alarm_enabled is copy/pasted, 100% sure it is correct. I have tried both with and without .extra.

remove this entire bit and only have alarm_label:label,alarm_enabled:true notice how there is no space after the comma as well?

You can also refer to the 3rd example: Notification Commands | Home Assistant Companion Docs

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Thank you for uber-quick help!

My code is now

service: notify.mobile_app_andreas_one_plus_8t
  message: "command_broadcast_intent"
  title: "com.urbandroid.sleep.alarmclock.ALARM_STATE_CHANGE"
    channel: "com.urbandroid.sleep"
    group: "alarm_label:test,alarm_enabled:false"
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Hi, I was happily using this solution to set my daily alarm, but I think Android 13 broke it… Now I just see the “command_activity” notification as if it was a normal notification.

I tried the map example in documentation and it still works, so I think there’s something specific with this intent. Has anyone else experienced this issue with Android 13?

It wasn’t android 13 that broke it. It was the update of the mobile app itself that broke it.

you need to use different service command structure.

Here is an example of mine with the update:

    alias: Mobile App Android Notification Command Set Alarm
    mode: restart
      - service: notify.mobile_app_my_mobile_app
          message: "command_activity"
            intent_action: android.intent.action.SET_ALARM
            intent_extras: >-
              {% set timelist = states('input_datetime.ma_alarm_set_time').split(':') %}
              {% set timehour = timelist[0] %}
              {% set timemin = timelist[1] %}
                android.intent.extra.alarm.HOUR:{{ timehour }},android.intent.extra.alarm.MINUTES:{{ timemin }},android.intent.extra.alarm.SKIP_UI:true

I have android 13 in my Pixel 4a. I have solved with this code. Thank you a lot :smiley:

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Thank you @finity, that worked!

How did you find out how to change the data to make it work?

It was partially the mobile app docs and there was a thread about beta changes a while back that i saw.

any body advise what i’m doing wrong i use the following code

service: notify.mobile_app_marks_s22
  message: command_activity
    channel: ""
    group: "android.intent.extra.alarm.HOUR:8,android.intent.extra.alarm.MINUTES:30"
    tag: "android.intent.action.SET_ALARM"

but all i get is a pop up on the notifications saying “command_activity” and no alarms set

and i have installed the google clock

where as i was originally trying to use the samsung built in one

Group, chanel and tag is no longer correct syntax.
Look at the example just a few posts above.

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Cheers buddy. I’d looked quick and thought it said android 13 had broke it so ignored that but its the app.

Cheers for pointing it out

i’m really stupid at this but cant get the timer to work at all!!! i can get an alarm set with a time and a message but nothing on the timer, i can get it to open the timer but nothing will set.

the length line is obviously wrong but what should it be!!!

service: notify.mobile_app_marks_s22
  message: command_activity
    intent_action: android.intent.action.SET_TIMER
    intent_extras: android.intent.extra.timer.LENGTH:12

Where did you pick up this intent extra?

Per the docs it should be android.intent.extra.alarm.LENGTH

id tried all sorts mate but couldn’t get it to work that was just the last thing that i had tried. i knew it was wrong thou.
that line works great but i’m struggling to work out why it’s alarm and not timer to be honest as it never calls the alarm part anywhere from what i can see in the above code.

Thats a better question for google LOL, don’t question it just go by what they document because thats what the code looks for. At the end of the day its just a string value so it can be anything they chose, literally.

:rofl: :rofl:

either way thanks bud, working a treat so i can set a timer automatically now for my daughters diabetes levels if she gets a high or low reading.


I am glad people are finding all kinds of uses for this feature :slight_smile:

Hi everyone!

Can’t get this to work. Never used, but saw that chances are made recently.

This is my yaml:

service: notify.mobile_app_poco_x3_gt
  message: command_activity
    intent_package_name: com.urbandroid.sleep
    intent_action: android.intent.action.SET_ALARM
    intent_extras: >-

Tried in Developer Tools and nothing, the HA app pop up an authorization to overlay apps but still nothing, tried without package name too… no alarm set anywhere…
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance