Set automation for a sonoff pow 16


I’m trying to make an automation for a sonoff device flashed with tasmota.
The device is a pow 16 and I can turn it on/off manually.
But what I want is to turn it on or off at a certain time depending on the season.
For now I’m focusing in turning it on and off at a certain time, but I can’t seem to figure out how to make it work:

The automation.yaml:

  alias: Sonoff_Vestiario_Winter_On
  - at: '21:13'
    platform: time
   - alias: 'teste'
     service: switch.turn_on
     #entity_id: switch.Sonoff_vestiario
     entity_id: switch.Vestiario_DVES_3E51D5

I tried with the two entity_id but none of them worked

The information page on the sonoff:

This is the switch:

This is the automation


I think I’m failing to get the correct id? or is it something else?

Thanks in advance

Get the ID from the dev-state page. It should be all lower case.

Also I don’t think you should have an alias under action.

Finally your indentation seems wrong.

Thanks, that did the trick.

- id: '1556478149414'
  alias: Sonoff_Vestiario_Winter_On
    - at: '23:50:30'
    platform: time
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_select.seasons
    state: Winter
     service: switch.turn_on
     entity_id: switch.sonoff

But this creates a problem, I have more Sonoff device to integrate, how can I change the id?

And could you correct my indentation, please

Not my strong point! Is it working now? If so, leave it alone. If not take a hard look at the documentation, that’s what i would have to do to be sure.

EDIT: sorry should have added the next sonoff device should be given a new name.

How do I rename the sonoff device?