Hi guys,
I’ve got a self-made Home Assistant Health Check tool. This tool consist of several checks. Some of them will fire an alarm in my house (e.g. power circuit broken, PV broken, etc), or a warning blinks (batteries are dying, etc).
I have also a check if our robot vacuum battery is gett’n low, or if there is any other error. However, this fires an alarm immidiately. But sometimes my robot vacuum has a connection hickup and will thus fire the alarm.
What i want:
a yaml sensor which only change it’s value when e.g. the value template has a specific output for X minutes.
my code for this:
friendly_name: "Tippi Wan vereist aandacht"
value_template: >-
state_attr('vacuum.tippi_wan', 'battery_level')|int < 50 or
states('vacuum.tippi_wan') == 'error'
is this even possible? Or do i really need an automation for this?