I’m having some trouble with a script - I’m hoping the answer is obvious and all my Googling is just missing it somehow.
I’ve set up automations to change the climate set temperature when Hassio detects I’m at home or away. I’d like to use different temperatures depending on the outside temperature (ie: if it’s summer or winter will change if I’m heating with a furnace or cooling with AC).
Here’s the code I’ve tried, but it doesn’t work. I’ve set up template sensors to have the correct temperature set points for various times of the day/week, so I can reference them in the script, but the reference doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas?
Thanks! That code gives me the below error message though - any ideas?
Invalid service data for climate.set_temperature: expected float for dictionary value @ data['temperature']. Got '{{ states.sensor.temperature_weekend.state }}'
data indicates that you are providing the values directly to be used in the action. data_template indicates that there is template that needs to be evaluated to obtain the values to be used in the action.