Set Climate Temperature Presets from Dashboard

Hi Folks

I have a climate thermostat and set the presets of Home, Away and Sleep values here in the configuration.yaml file. I would like to be able to change these presets from the dashboard.

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Central Heating
    heater: switch.chhw_output1
    target_sensor: sensor.landing
    target_temp: 18
    cold_tolerance: 0.0
    hot_tolerance: 0.0
    precision: 0.5
     seconds: 30
    initial_hvac_mode: "off"
    home_temp: 18
    away_temp: 14
    sleep_temp: 17
    max_temp: 28
    min_temp: 5

I started to tinker with the Home setting first by setting a input_number

   initial: 18
   min: 5
   max: 30
   step: 1
   mode: box
   unit_of_measurement: '°C'

However how to I reference this back to the climate controls. Any help appreciated.

The input helper you created will have a name like input_number.bedroom_fan_threshold. The first part depends on the kind of helper you create. If you go to the developer tools and filter on “input_” you’ll get a list back of all your input helpers.

So your setting might look something like this:

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Central Heating
    heater: switch.chhw_output1
    target_sensor: sensor.landing
    cold_tolerance: 0.0
    hot_tolerance: 0.0
    precision: 0.5
     seconds: 30
    initial_hvac_mode: "off"
    home_temp: input_number.centralheating_hometemp
    away_temp: input_number.centralheating_awaytemp
    sleep_temp: input_number.centralheating_sleeptemp
    max_temp: input_number.centralheating_maxtemp
    min_temp: input_number.centralheating_mintemp

One caveat here. I’ve never used an input helper in configuration.yaml so it’s possible you can’t use them there. I’ve used them in automations a bunch with the naming above though.

I am looking for the same answer and this won’t work. I do believe it should be in the next WTH month.