Set color of individual led on WS2812 led strip

Hello, I want to control each ws2812 led on the led strip individually, but I do not know how to do it. On, I found that there is an light.adresable_set action that can control individual leads, but I don’t know how to call it. I need to control it from node red, but I can not find this service in the list of services in node red. Is there a way to do this or to call this action? I am a beginner in HA.

No idea about node red but I know how it can be done from home assistant if that is any use.

Define an input boolean in home assistant:

    name: Turn LED 12 on purple
    icon: mdi:led

In esphome:

  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Turn LED 12 on purple From HA"
    entity_id: input_boolean.led_12_purple
        - light.addressable_set:
            id: my_light
            range_from: 12
            range_to: 12
            red: 100%
            green: 0%
            blue: 100%
        - light.addressable_set:
            id: my_light
            range_from: 12
            range_to: 12
            red: 0%
            green: 0%
            blue: 0%

Toggling the input boolean in home assistant should toggle LED 12 in the string purple / off.