I’m trying to turn on a Denon AVR and set it to a certain volume as part of a scene. It powers on, but the volume and sound mode parameters are ignored. Is this the right syntax?
volume_level: 0.495
is_volume_muted: false
source: Apple TV
friendly_name: Denon AVR-S750H
media_content_type: channel
media_title: Apple TV
sound_mode_raw: Dolby Atmos
you can also use the more elaborate functions for Denon…don’t wonder too much about the iPhoneApp thing…it works without it.
below sets ZMON: zone main on
MV20; master volume 20dB
all this is documented in the denon integration
I’m not sure if you’re suggesting something I can add to a scene? I already know it works fine as a service call. I’m just trying to set it to a certain volume and sound mode as part of a scene.
Not particularly for a scene…I should have mentioned this
This came from my automation and it works by setting on and (!) immediately setting the volume (whilst the receiver is ‘heating up’). There are other posters stating they had issues with the volume not being set after on … the above works for me and this integration can do many more than the standard media_player service
Do what you like/works for you.