Is it possible to use a voice assistant to set a date/time input in home assistant? Obviously can use the input date/time on the dashboard but would be good to ask Google/Alexa to set it to a time? Say asking alexa or google to turn a radiator on at a certain time?
With IFTTT you can use variables in a command, so in theory it’s possible. But I believe it will be hard to speak the action so that there is no misunderstandings.
I mean if you say "10 o'clock"
that won’t work in yaml.
You need to say "ten colon zero zero"
and some how it should understand that is "10:00"
and not "10 : 0 0"
Thanks for the reply and that makes sense, might just have to do it caveman style and use my phone
I’m not saying it’s impossible.
The example above is fairly simple to fix in yaml. {{ "10 : 0 0" | replace(" ", "") }}
But I believe there will be more problems.