Set input date/time helper using voice assistant

Is it possible to use a voice assistant to set a date/time input in home assistant? Obviously can use the input date/time on the dashboard but would be good to ask Google/Alexa to set it to a time? Say asking alexa or google to turn a radiator on at a certain time?

With IFTTT you can use variables in a command, so in theory it’s possible. But I believe it will be hard to speak the action so that there is no misunderstandings.
I mean if you say "10 o'clock" that won’t work in yaml.
You need to say "ten colon zero zero" and some how it should understand that is "10:00" and not "10 : 0 0".

Thanks for the reply and that makes sense, might just have to do it caveman style and use my phone :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m not saying it’s impossible.

The example above is fairly simple to fix in yaml. {{ "10 : 0 0" | replace(" ", "") }}.
But I believe there will be more problems.