Set my home location

This is fine if you are not far from Amsterdam. If you’re on the other side of the planet it’s not even remotely reasonable.

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Pinch the map, this compresses distances, then you can drag your home to your area. Then reverse pinch the map, and you can drag to a fairly precise location

These answers aren’t working for me. I just get this:


and then if I click the edit button, I get this:


There is literally nothing in my configuration.yaml that sets a home location. So why does HA persist in saying it’s defined in there? Why can’t the error message give the line number of configuration.yaml where the home location is set, so I can see it for myself?

egrep -r <my latitude> config showed it was defined in .storage/core.restore_state and .storage/core.config. Renaming both those files and rebooting just resulted in .storage/core.restore_state being regenerated with the same values — and my home location being changed to 0°, 0° — and still not being editable!

I suspect that the way the home location was defined changed several versions ago, and the change that introduced the new way simply left old configs untouched, rather than migrating them. Am I stuck unless I nuke the whole HA setup and recreate everything from scratch?

Here’s my configuration.yaml. Prize for the first person to point to the line that sets the home location, as claimed by the error message :grin:

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

  external_url: https://REDACTED
  country: GB

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

# Workdays
  - platform: workday
    country: GB
    province: England
    workdays: [mon, tue, wed, thu, fri]
    excludes: [sat, sun, holiday]

This is a bit of a guess, but you could try removing the country: key under homeassistant:. This can now be set via the UI. (So can external_url as well by the way).

See the note here about what you won’t be able to edit via the UI if using certain general settings in YAML. I wonder if that also affects changing the home location.

Thanks! That was the issue. I needed to remove both country and external_url, then set them from the UI.

That error dialog really should link to the page you referenced — I could have solved it straight away if it had given me that hint…

Your first development task :slight_smile:

I have the following problem:

when I enter my geo location in the configuration.yaml file like so:

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

elevation: 455  
latitude: 47.16743 
longitude: 9.47794 

I’m getting the following error when checking my yaml file under developer tools:

A basic validation of the configuration is automatically done before restarting. The basic validation ensures the YAML configuration doesn’t have errors which will prevent Home Assistant or any integration from starting. It’s also possible to only do the basic validation check without restarting.

Configuration invalid!

Integration error: latitude - Integration ‘latitude’ not found. Integration error: elevation - Integration ‘elevation’ not found. Integration error: longitude - Integration ‘longitude’ not found.

What am I doing wrong - can anybody help me ? Thanks a lot !

Indentation. See this post

Remember, as it say some where here , to click the pencil first. you should get a cross hair you can use ti drag the location

This has been outdate by the buys bed. You can change the Home Location using the UI by going top settiong->Area/Labals/Zones[>zones

Wth is the"buys bed"

I updated my home location with as per below.
<< Bad suggestion removed here >> :wink:

That doesn’t really change anything, just (temporarily) what HA thinks - as it says at the top there.

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Indeed, sorry for my ignorance.
I used the fix by: Set my home location - #11 by prajuriz

I set the county in the bar at the very beginning when it asked for my address (My address is 2 years old so it didn’t show up) and I was able to drag my home to my actual address after that.