What is the best way to set this script sequence to run ‘forever’? I am sequentially misting several aeroponic buckets for 5 seconds every minute. Presently the script does not contain a Schedule, since I do not want to defer the start time. I have tried multiple attempts using a While statement without success (I am not really a programmer). I am ok with using a card to stop the sequence when necessary. This may not be the most elegant solution, but I am looking for something easy. Any assistance is appreciated.
I tried to add the trigger in several places in the configuration.yaml script (see below). Could you provide some direction as to how it should be implemented?
this is a hacs config of the irrigation_unlimited integration right? it’s not an automation nor a script. so the triggers and time_patterns won’t work.
i don’t use this integration, but looking at the docs i’m thinking you need to use the cron schedule… the below should try to run each zone once every minute if i didn’t screw it up…