Set temperature steps in heat pump

I’ve been using Home Assistant for a few months, but now I’m unsure about how to make some adjustments. I have a Daikin Altherma heat pump with the HACS extension available on GitHub Daikin Github HACS. Everything is working well, such as heating the water once a day.

I have solar modules, and I can adjust the heat pump temperature by 2-3 degrees at specific times through the GUI interface. 2023-10-31 14_51_23-Übersicht – Home Assistant – Mozilla Firefox , I’m having trouble configuring the automation for this in Home Assistant. While attempting to adjust the attributes in the developer options, I seem to be sending incorrect commands (specifically, the temperature parameter)

  - 'off'
  - heat
  - cool
  - heat_cool
min_temp: -10
max_temp: 10
target_temp_step: 1
current_temperature: 29
temperature: 4
friendly_name: Altherma
supported_features: 1

Thank you