Hello all. I have a multiple Picture card that when I press them turn on my Apple TV and then set the App depending on what button I press. For now, I gave seperate scripts for each app. I would like to call the same script and have that text input set depending on what button I press. But I am struggling on if I can even set a text input when the action is to call a script. This would be an example to call Netflix.
type: picture
image: /local/apple-tv-120.png
action: call-service
service: script.turn_on_apple_tv
input_text.media_room_atv_input: Netflix
target: {}
action: none
Right now I am just to the testing point to see if I can get it to set the variable. But if I can, this is what I was going to put in the script for the Apple TV:
service: media_player.select_source
source: {{ states.input_text.media_room_atv_input.state }}
entity_id: media_player.media_room_appletv
Right now, I cannot seem to call the script and set the text in the same action. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!