Set theme on backend for frontend

I have a number of themes added and I can pick one in the theme drop down.

But how do I set the theme on the backend so that the default for “backend-selected” in the UI will use whatever theme I have set on the backend?

I tried this in my configuration.yaml but it gave me an error:

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
  set_theme: darkish

I also tried this and it didn’t work either:

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
  frontend.set_theme: darkish

Any idea how do set the theme on the backend in the configuration.yaml?

Thank you,


You set it with an automation or script.

If you want to do it manually to test, go to the developer tools, and use the frontend.set_theme service.

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Awesome, thanks. Wasn’t obvious so thanks for the nudge in the right direction. I made a script, then an automation that triggers when HA starts up.

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