I’m working on some university project that I described in - [1]. I will look if providing service for tolerance settings in automation is easily doable. If so I’ll implement it.
Sorry to dig up such an old thread, but I was wondering since 2017 this feature has been enabled ?
to answer the question, why do I need this ?
I use a pellet stove and during the evening, I have a cold tolerance of 1.5°C degree because I need the living room temp to be between 19°C and 20.5°C
But during the day, I’d like to set the temp to 17°C, and 1.5°C of cold tolerance is way to much I’d like to set it to something like 0.3°C.
Right now, I’m using an automation to overide the thermostat, so based on my desired cold_temperature (16,7 instead of 15,5) I turn the generic_thermostat to ON, and set the HVAC_mode to HEAT.
But I was wondering if there was another solution, to limit the number of automation.
I don’t mind the setting of the tolerance, but is it possible to read the tolerance of the thermostat. I am having my own logic created in Nodered and I would like to read the tolerance from the thermostat. It’s better than editing my node red flow.
When I output the thermostat to the debug window, there is no mentioning of these setting in attributes, which is a pitty.