Hi everyone,
I am just starting out with Home Assistant so I might have overlooked something super obvious, but I am already stuck and would appreciate some help…
I am trying to set up two DTH22 temperature/humidity sensors connected via GPIO to the Raspberry Pi 2 that HASS is running on.
I can read them out just fine using Adafruit_Python_DHT and I have added the following to my configuration.yaml, as directed here.
Sensor 1:
platform: dht
sensor: DHT22
pin: 14
name: Gardensensor
- temperature
- humidity
However, hass --script check_config
gives the following error:
Testing configuration at /home/pi/.homeassistant
16-08-29 13:23:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Unable to find component Sensor
Failed config
General Errors:
- Component not found: Sensor
Successful config (partial)
Do I need to install additional components in order to get it to work? I can’t really tell from the guide…