Set value energy sensor for multiple days

Hi, last day I had a crash of my HA and I needed to revert to a backup. Unfortunately this is a backup of 3 days ago. For this reason my smart meter readings for the past 3 days are after the restore empty and combined in a big lump on today’s dashboard.
For weekly readings okay, but for day to day it is not very nice.

My energy suppliers (gas, net and solar are both different companies) have an app in which I can see the figures (gas, net and solar produced) for the missing 3 days.

Is there a way I can set/tweak the sensors in HA so at least the daily figures will be the same as the ones in the suppliers apps? It will at least get rid of the big lumps :grin: Panels are good, but no way they produce < 40 kWh a day. I wish…

Just a picture so you understand what I mean: