I have integrated my TV with the Philips TV integration.
When the TV is turned on, the volume is often way too low. Is there a way to automate setting the TV volume to e.g. 80% when turning on the TV?
If you can set the volume from HA and see the on/off state then it’s fairly simple.
Is this possible on your TV?
It seems that I can both control and see the on/off state in the Home Assistent UI. I can also use the volume up/down buttons to increase/decrease the volume.
What I can’t figure out from the documentation is how to set the volume to a fixed level (e.g. 80%).
I’ve been playing around trying to use the “TV is turned on” trigger to trigger an Action, with little luck .
If you have an example YAML that would be greatly appreciated.
According to the source code core/media_player.py at cc622f46c5384eb04649242b8305160d1c70e808 · home-assistant/core · GitHub the Philips TV supports VOLUME_SET (not just Up and Down) so you should be able to use the media_player.volume_set
service Media Player - Home Assistant
Great! This works. Thanks so much for the help.
I’m a bit surprised how long it takes for the “TV s turned on” trigger to get processed though. Anything I can do about that? Or is that because this is a polling interface with a certain delay?
You could perhaps DIY something.
If the USB port is only on when the TV is on then you could use that as a trigger using a ESP board.