Setting a maximum height on picture-elements

Hi! I use a picture-elements card. When my screen is small everything fits perfectly. Howevery when my screen gets wider, the image becomes too large and scrollbars appear. How can i set a fixed max height for the image?

I have tried with card-mod, but it seems my css is ignored.


I’m facing the same issue.
Any updates on this?

What do you need exactly?
Height of the card itself may be changed ny card-mod:

type: picture-elements
  style: |
    ha-card {
      height: 200px !important;

but some elements will be surely clipped.

What does it mean - “gets wider”?
Usually it “gets wider” when using different clients (desktop, mobile device portrait / landscape).
Assume we are talking about a “panel mode”. When a viewport changes, PE card adapts itself, and this may cause appearing scrollbars.
To prevent this, you may prepare different background images - with different aspect ratios, and then use these different images on different clients.

P.s. check this

Hello Ildar_Gabdullin

What I’m trying to achieve is a responsive picture elements card.
The card itself needs to be as wide as possible, without getting bigger then the bottom of the screen.
By default I have a lot of space left, right and below the picture-elements card.
This needs to be: no space (or as little as possible) below the card, and left and right needs to scale according to the aspect-ratio of the image.
I’ve fiddled around with card_mod a bit but the result isn’t what it needs to be.

      $: |
        .container img#image {
          max-height: 600px;
        .container {
          max-height: 100%;

Answered in a related thread & suggest to continue this discussion there.